McDonalds, being a leader in the fast food industry, has to accept that food trends are always and constantly changing, and that what may seem like a popular product before may well be junk the next day. When firms/companies introduce new products, they will already bear in mind that the product will one day be at the decline phase of the product life cycle, and when that time arrives companies will try to extend that products life cycle.

Here are a few strategies McDonalds can use to extend their product's life cycle
1. Make modifications to the product
    Modify the product in terms of adding more materials to it (extra layer of beef, fillet) or changing the         materials inside it so that it will appeal to customers again. *though McDonalds must be careful not to         bring significant changes to the product, or the product will lose its originality and it will just be like             introducing a new product to the market

2. Reducing the price
    This strategy will definitely work if McDonalds wants to prolong a certain product's life cycle, as                  one of the most appealing factors of McDonalds burgers is price, and customers who walk in McDonalds
    are looking for something cheap and tasty. Lowering the price of that burger or the McNuggets will             definitely bring appeal to the product.

3. Introduce new varieties to the product
    This strategy will help bring creativity and originality to McDonalds products. E.g. If the white ice                 cream is in the decline stage of the product life cycle and it is losing its appeal to customers, McDonalds     can try to add different flavors to the ice cream, such as chocolate flavored ice cream or mango flavored     ice cream, these new changes to the product will definitely appeal to customers and lengthen the                 products life cycle.
9/11/2018 04:36:09 am



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